About Us



From helping creators breathe life into their dreams to seeing each smiling face as they fall in love and connect with an artists perspective so far from their physical being. The passion we have for sharing art with the world has been an ever evolving journey we hope you're ready to join us on! 
For eight years now the Mythical Merch team has been pushing for a more colorful world; questing out like minded individuals who wish to see more beauty in their lives. Eight years and we feel like our mission has just begun & we cant wait to see what the future holds, for each day is a gateway to another striking perspective.
We place the quality of our creations and the happiness of our customers as we would a member of our own clan, for we are all brothers and sisters wandering a world looking for our place. We believe that place is together enjoying art and exploring one another's creative mindset. For our greatest ideas have come from the time we spend together with each other, reveling in the profound mystery of the world.
When you support us you support a family of artists, you support a culture of creation, you support a vision for art to become a bigger part of our lives. For sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart and we hope we can grow that curiosity into a passion just as it became for us.
The Mythical Merchants


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